why do you think I move
why do you think I move
do you think I move out of fear
do you think I move out of need
do you think I move to be near you
do you think I’m following you
why do you think I move
why do you think I move
do you think I move out of fear
do you think I move out of need
do you think I move to be near you
do you think I want to be like you
do you think I want to have the things you have
do you think I want to take the things you have
why do you think I move
why do you think I move
I move I move I move I move I move
I want to move
can you cross this line
do you want to cross this line
do you have your papers
yes I have my papers
can I cross this line
do you have your papers
do you have your papers
I want to cross this line
do you have your papers
I want to cross this line
do you have your papers
I want to cross this line
I want to move
I want to move
I want to move
can can I can I cross this line
do you want to come to this line
do you want to cross this line
do you have
yes I want to move
yes I have my papers can I cross this line
can I cross this line
I dont have my have my have my papers
I want to move
I want to move