S I S T E R H O O D /  Director – Marit Östberg

Producer – Marit Östberg  /  Starring – Marit Östberg, Blond Stud, Mad Kate, Pau Pappel, Miruna Boruzescu

Language – English  /  Length –  50 min /

Östberg and her crew are incredibly intelligent people who have some fascinating ideas about the politics of pornography. But even though their ideas spring from queer feminism, the issues that they tackle through their trade extend far into general gender identity issues, and for anyone vaguely interested in this area will find what they have to say incredibly enlightening.

– James Waywood,

“inspiring in their commitment to making work that has a political agenda and through their articulate interviews present a reflexive and motivated feminist community in action.”

– Nazmia Jamal,

Selected Festival History

Schwules Museum, Berlin

Warehous9, Feminists in Space – international feminist performance art festival, Copenhagen

Copenhagen Queer Festival

London LGBT Film festival 

Cine y Sexo – La Mirada Feminina, Mexico City

Filmhuset, Symposium Queer Vulnerabilities, Stockholm

Teater tribunalen, Festival Två veckor i maj, Stockholm