Category: LoveLetters

  • Ma(r)king Time 76

    12 November 2018 Monday. 76 days PINK is my guiding color. Aunt Jill is my leader for this period and has told me to write my dreams, which I do. I learn that if I write a few words of what I remember from my dreams, in really quick note form, simply repeating the words…

  • Ma(r)king Time 100

    Mar(k)ing Time 100 days until my 40th Birthday 19 October 2018 Friday. Black Ponderosa, a Dance community outside Berlin. Mar(k)in Time is a personal project I am initiating to count down the last 100 days of my 40th year. I turn 40 on the 27th of January 2019, but I have been living inside my…

  • “Mad Kate is a Dada” for MUTHA Magazine

    I am pleased to announce that MUTHA Magazine published this piece that I wrote on Mothers Day, inspired by a series of conversations with my kid about Dada’s Day and what its like to be a girlboy. Pictured: Me and my two co-parents on our kids fifth birthday

  • Proximity – new A/V work premiers in Interim: A Journal of Poetry and Poetics

    HYENAZ latest multimedia work, PROXIMITY, has been released by Interim: A Journal of Poetry and Poetics for their Body Issue. This issue has been carefully curated by Autumn Widdoes, who took the opportunity to integrate her background in dance, performance, and poetry, to actively include works which “require the presence of the body.” We are…

  • Queering Family : Queering Resistance

    Photo: Jo Pollux from WOMBmamapapadadaHOME at nGBK Gallery Berlin with my coparents Sadie Lune and KAy Garnellen Thank you Umstandslos for publishing my thoughts on queer family and queering resistance. Kathryn Fischer alias Mad Kate describes in her text what queering family means to her. How she found her way in doing so and…

  • Dear You.

    Dear You. from Mad Kate on Vimeo.

  • a very short note on calling an ambulance as a queer parent

    Well one might look at you strange, and wonder in what way you are actually connected to this child. Whether or not you had an affair with the person you are with at that time and are not a birth mother or perhaps not a true lesbian. Something definitely fishy going on. Not living all…

  • switch / blade

    Switch/Blade.   Switch as in . Code switch my tongue class switch my passing entering the hotel walking passsssst the desk identity desire types and shapes switch gender switch   Blade as in. cut skin. Skin enclosing selv(es) enclosing your selve(s) “I” am not a self made person. Shes/theys is always inside me. Always inside…

  • Performance Practice as Practice of Radical Imagination

    (This body is) thinking a lot about performance as practice1; as the moment or frame of engaging the radical imaginary2. The “moment” is the duration of the piece, which could be one second, three minutes, twenty minutes, several days, a lifetime. Inside this moment we “perform,” in other words, the performance moment is framing our…

  • on intersectionality

    I would like to offer this. That it is not just about having a multitude of grievances for which we do a check list, categorizing the various ways in which we are disadvantaged, or privileged, or what makes us outsiders, insiders, or othered/mainstream, freaks or terribly boring or different or samey, leaders or followers, victimized,…