binaries are an illusion temporarily created in relation to human socio-politial contexts. there is no cause and effect. the algorithm may produce multiplicities but the boxes are still finite. there is always another beginning that became before the beginning. the world is not black and white, not good nor evil. a body is neither sick nor healthy, crazy nor sane. this is our offering to shake shake shake shake it out, as a child does, shake shake shake it out and render them meaningless. all that is left is the will to move forward with blank eyes.
The new HYENAZ video is out on Vice Magazine’s Thump, with a stirring text by Thump’s editor Thomas Vorreyer:
In Zeiten, in denen diejenigen die meiste Aufmerksamkeit bekommen, die am lautesten schreien, es gäbe nur zwei Geschlechter und es gäbe nur ein Gut und ein Böse, kann einen Song wie “Binaries” vom Duo HYENAZ nicht laut genug aufdrehen.
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