6.09. + 07.09.2024 Mad Kate at Loftas Festival Vilnius

photo Natali Arts

“my fear of pretending” at Loftas Festival Vilnius

“My Fear of Pretending” is a deeply personal and political performance that blends original music, poetry, and physicality to explore the fluidity and multiplicity of queer identities in relation to labour, the performance of identity and authenticity and the use(full)/(less)ness of performativity. By examining the queer self as an evolving process of self-making and empowerment rather than a fixed identity, the performance traverses the intimate landscape of sexuality and extends these concepts to the socio-political realm, encompassing the body as nation and community. Mad Kate, a producer, poet, and musician, weaves her field recordings with the everyday practices of her sexuality, creating sonic tapestries that resonate with the queerness of her lived experience as sex worker, as queer feminist performer, as a parent, as an activist.

with sisters fellow performers Federica Dauri @federicadauri ReveRso @rolereverso thanks to David @deivydas_valenta @loftasfest